Meeting Time: August 04, 2022 at 9:00am EDT
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

6.d) Discussion of Proposed Land Management Ordinance Amendments

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    K A Wexler over 2 years ago

    LMO are critically important in setting the proper framework for use and development of land on HHI. Given that, presenting a "list" of changes with NO CONTEXT is not transparent enough for the community to assess whether or not it is in keeping with a better codex that moves HHI towards improved oversight in key areas.
    The memo refers to a SWOT analysis - where is that? The list is a short description with affected code references. This kind of presentation is not helpful - except maybe for TOWN government insiders. Good government embraces transparency at all its levels. At a minimum for each proposed LMO change - the Town should be communicating: Why - what is it correcting? ; Anticipated impact - how will it improve and move the Town forward; What SPECIFIC Land Mgmt Goal /Objective is being addressed?
    In its current presentation - it simply looks like a list . I am sure Town analysts have more process behind this list that they can share and should share to the Community to enhance the transparency behind the changes. - however technical the proposed change may seem.
    Further - the material available to the public should make better use of technology and create hot links in that list to each part of the code for those interested/concerned about the change itself and its priority.
    Finally - each proposed change should clearly link to a stated Goal or Objective in enhance Land Management the Town is moving towards.
    I am confident that the Town is trying to not overwhelm the Committee or the Public with detail, and it is often appreciated.
    In this case - more communication is required given all the mistakes, missed opportunities and absolute requirement for thoughtful and sustainable change in HHI LMO's